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With the universal changes that we’ve been informed about nearing us daily as 2012 fast approaches, we realise that we have been advised by angelic and spiritual forces to take care of our ascension process, but what about those Angelic and Spiritual forces themselves? Are they ascending or are they already “perfect”?
The Source, God, the Energy Provider is what we can describe in our terms “perfect”. We are taught that we are like God, and that deep within each of us we too are perfect. Yet we have agreed to incarnate upon the Earth plane, for the development of our souls, our soul group, which is also known as our Monad, so how can we be perfect? As each of us incarnated we agreed to take on specific life lessons that will be testing, joyful, successful and at times disappointing for the betterment of our soul’s growth, therefore we had if you like a covering over our perfect body. A dirty cloak. It is our ‘job and choice’ to throughout our incarnation to clean this cloak so as when we return to Source we are perfect souls. We are aware that we have spiritual guides and Guardian angels, but are they perfect? Are they looking over us, walking by our side knowing all the answers? In short, no.
You see as we are all on our ascension pathway now so too are our spiritual guides and guardian angels. In fact the Archangels that we all know and love, Archangels Michael, Raphael, Chamuel, Uriel, Zadkiel, and Jophiel has also been working on their ascension pathway and how successfully raised their frequency to such a degree that they have now become on the same energy frequency level of the Principalities. (Principalities are fourth from the bottom of the angelic hierarchy. It is there job to oversee the large organisations, towns, cities, schools, and sacred sites to name a few.) The Archangels are now known as ARCHAONS. There are also other Archangels who are less known but who too have been working towards the greater good of animals, nature and the planet. These are; Archangel Purlimiek who works with nature and all the different elements of weather, Archangel Gersisa, who has a feminine energy that looks after the ley lines and the Earth Stars. Archangel Butyalil, who looks after the cosmic energy that surrounds the Earth and Archangel Fhelyai, who is in charge of looking after the animals both here and in the afterlife.
What is ascension and what exactly does it involve?
Ascension is a process where we all move forward spiritually. We begin to stop thinking and be dominated by materialism instead focusing on what can bring us spiritual happiness, enlightenment and progression of our soul. One of the many questions that gets asked is ‘When I ascend will I die?’ A lot of souls think that by dying to ascend, is rather drastic and think it would create to much upset and heartache for our loved ones who would be left behind. The more common pathway to ascension is to develop and move forward extending and heightening our vibration and to ascend from physical reality at the point of death as ‘normal’ when our time comes. When this happens, we are accompanied by Archangels, guardian angels and our loved ones in spirit.
What changes have happened in the Angelic Realms?
There are also a new wave of Archangels who have been working away ‘behind the scenes’ for the development of our world, universe, nature and atmosphere. These ‘new’ archangels are coming to the fore as we move forward towards 2012’s energy shift. So who are these new angels and how can they help us?
The main known archangels have twin flame energies that tend to be of a feminine vibration. These have come forward as we begin to work with our 12 chakras just as we used to in Atlantis. These extended chakras are being activated as we begin to move into fifth dimensional frequencies. So lets begin with those and see who’s twin flame is who’s.
Archangel Gabriel and His twin flame Hope work with the Base, Sacral and Naval chakras which used to be one chakra. However it separated into three separate chakras. Each of the chakras have a different energy colour which relates to them. The Base chakras, at the fifth dimension is platinum in colour, the sacral is a gentle pink, and the naval chakra is a bright orange, sometimes seen as gold. These chakras are still very much about grounding and allowing the pure spiritual energy to fill us with a heightened spiritual foundation.
Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora govern the solar plexus chakra which enhances their ability to help absorb negativity, enhance confidence and draw back your wisdom. The solar plexus chakra is deep gold with rainbow filtrations at the fifth dimension.
Archangel Chamuel and Char
ity work at the heart chakra centre. All archangels meet and link from this centre. Chamuel and Charity help you open yourself up whole heartedly to yourself, your surroundings, and life. At the fifth dimension the energy colour is white, the colour of purity.
Archangel Michael and Archangel Faith, are in charge of the throat chakra which is a royal blue coloured energy. They help you in terms of strength and truth.
Archangel Raphael and Mary (Mother Mary), are in charge of the third eye chakra. The colour that corresponds to this chakra is crystal ball energy. Their mission is to help us dissolve all veils at the fifth dimension thus helping us to see clearly as we ascend.
Archangel Jophiel and His twin flame Christine work with the Crown Chakra which is located at the top of the head. It is Christine that brings the Christ Light (Pure protective light of Christ) to us and the crown chakra is symbolised by the thousand petalled lotus which is at the fifth dimension, and its colouration is crystal clear.
Archangel Christiel and his twin flame Mallory, who is the Keeper of Ancient Wisdom, hold the Causal chakra which is white in colour vibration. This chakra is located to the back of the head. It is said that to access this energy it requires feminine energy to do so, hence Mallory coming to the foreground.
Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst along with Archangel Mariel and Lavender govern the Soul Star Chakra. The reason for four ‘keepers’ is Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst introduce you to the energy offered by this centre, and when you are comfortable and ready to move forward Archangel Mariel and Lavender take over. The colour of this chakra is a lovely magenta colour.
Archangel Metatron and The Seraphim Seraphina assist you with the Stellar Gateway. This chakra energy centre is divided into two parts. Archangel Metatron begins the journey with you . However there is also another stage between the Stellar gateway and Source/God. This stage is kept by The Seraphim Seraphina. The colour that vibrates to this chakra is the deepest Gold/Orange.
What can I do that will enhance my ascension process and move me forward along the Pathway?
There are many things that we can collectively do to move us forward closer to ascension. The following are a small set of ‘guidelines for living the ascended way’;
* Friends
Make sure you are surrounded by friends who are of the right energy, and do not bring you down. If you find that many of your friends are not as far along their pathway as you are there is one thing you must remember. If you were to have no friends, it would be better for your souls progression than to be surrounded by many lower energied friends. Tell tale signs are; they are always complaining, bringing their negative experiences to you expecting you to give them sympathy, talking and acting from fear based energy, slaves to addictions that are unhealthy.
* Reading Material
Reading spiritual material can help you elevate your spiritual frequency as this enables the Law of Attraction to bring like energy to you, you may even have more friends in the end as your high spiritual energy will attract like minded people.
* Exercise
It has been scientifically proven that exercising increases endorphins thus making us feel good and feeling good in turn elevate our frequency.
* Television
Carefully select what television programmes you watch as one lower energy program filled with anger, sadness and substance abuse can bring your energies down just as much as watching a joyful, laughter filled comedy can boost you immensely.
* Thoughts
Make sure that keep all of your thoughts to those of a high frequency. Focus on love and you shall by spiritual law, bring more love into your life. Focus on peace, for you shall draw peace to you. Think positive and positive experiences shall be yours.
* Nature
Make a conscious decision to spend more time in nature bonding with the elements, the trees, and animal kingdom.
Listen to spiritually based music either for meditation or just to create a harmonious atmosphere in your home. Doing so will invite higher spiritual beings to your home as sound sends out a beacon.
* Spiritual Objects
Statues, Wall Pictures, and anything that to you speaks of spirituality. These could also include rosary beads, a bible, crystals, and angel cards. All these items hold divine light within them and that energy will radiate into your surroundings.
Recommended Reading:
A New Light on Angels by Diana Cooper
Ascension through Orbs by Diana Cooper
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