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Author Madeline Richardson
Quantum mechanics shows us the world is not how it seems. Quantum physics is the science of the ‘very small.’ It works at the subatomic level. Particles at this size do not follow the normal motion-patterns we are used to.
It calculates, amongst other things, strange overlaps of reality; parallel dimensions or universes, and objects being in two or more places at the same time. Fascinating!
We know that what we see, hear, smell, taste and touch, isn’t all there is. Our physical body has limited human senses. Other creatures on our earth have a much wider range of senses. For example, some insects can hear in the ultrasonic range, over two octaves above what the human ear can detect, and some can hear in the infrasonic range. Elephants are amongst those who can hear infrasonic sounds, which are too low for us to pick up. Because low frequencies travel further, elephants can communicate over long distances. A dolphin's hearing is so acute that it can pick up an underwater sound from fifteen miles away.
Imagine having a built-in’d never lose your way again! Amazingly bees, bats, t

urtles and some birds use the earth's magnetic field for navigation.
Our eyes capture a tiny fraction of the colour spectrum; we cannot see infrared, or ultraviolet. Ultraviolet light is visible however, to many animals, including birds, fish and insects. Remarkably, the common goldfish is the only creature that can see both infrared and ultraviolet light! Even our sense of taste doesn’t measure up; we have only 9,000 taste buds, compared to 17,000 in rabbits!
So, if we can’t see, hear or detect something, it clearly doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. It might simply be beyond our limited human sensory range; beyond our spectrum of sight and sound. Sometimes we can sense that someone is with us, other times, an inner knowing is enough.
Reality is open to question; it is based merely on our perceptions, and as we have seen, these are limited indeed. There is so much more out there! We surely need to keep an open mind about possibilities beyond our everyday thinking. Life as we know it is simply an illusion; an illusion created out of our ability or inability to understand the world.
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