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There are days when things just come together and a leap forward seems to happen all on its own. It doesn’t of course… events always happen because someone behind the scenes has been busy. But that doesn’t stop the excitement being real when something new takes shape and comes to fruition.
Yesterday The Silent Eye launched its new Brochure. A small thing, perhaps, insignificant in the greater scheme of things, but to us, it is an exciting and dynamic moment full of the promise of the future.
My co-director Steve Tanham sent me the first draft while I was in Glastonbury on Tuesday. Having no internet connection I was scrabbling around for a signal half the evening trying to read the PDF piecemeal on a phone that came awfully close to being launched as effectively as the brochure. A bouncing mixture of excitement and frustration I was finally able to read it over dinner, after two hours of trying, letting out small squeals of excitement as our vision for the future of the school appeared on the tiny screen.
My friend informed me the squeaks were annoying and had the waiter pour me another celebratory glass of Valpollicello, effectively silencing me for a moment.
By yesterday the final draft was ready to go and we laun
ched it on The Silent Eye website and social media sites. Emails went out and came back with the most lovely and loving messages of encouragement. The booking list grew for the launch event in April next year and the nascent forum began to buzz quietly.
Yet it all started with a dream, some years ago. Not my dream… I have always been waiting in the wings, learning and teaching, to see what would be required if I could ever serve in any more practical way. The dream was Steve’s, and he was the one pushed by the driving force behind the vision to make the dream become a reality.
My part began a little later, when I began to work on the new school Tarot designs and caught something magical in what we were sharing as we discussed the concepts they were to embody. It felt like coming home with a clarity and purpose I had never before encountered. The serpent that had bitten Steve now had me too.
Since then the work has been constant. One cannot simply have an idea and set it free. It needs to be shaped and honed, made into a body of teaching that is accessible, thorough, challenging and effective. We owe it both to our students and to the Inner to do the very best we can.
We are working on that with energy and joy.
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