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Meditation can often bring the most profound messages. After they come you are left floating in the wonder brought by mere flashes of insight. I had one of those moments today. It was tied to an stone I had been looking for. I have this wonderful set of Runes I purchased from a woman that carves them and has written the little book that accompanies them. As I was cleaning the Runes to charge them I discovered that one of the stones was missing. I searched everywhere and as I meditated on it I was given the message of appreciation. It was if I was being asked to look again at what I placed value on. I contacted the woman made arrangements to have another stone sent and put it out of my mind...and then I was given this message. The missing stone is Ehwaz “eh-was” – Literally: “Horse” – Esoteric: Trust
Meditation: I see spinning lights and then water as if I am high above the earth approaching it. I see a garden but it is indoors and when I look at the structure it seems that it is an inside/outside home. This vanishes and I begin to ask my guides about all of the messages they show me…are they for my writing…are they for teaching? What is their meaning? I am given this message: Bringing understanding of my lost Rune and the photo of the inside/outside photo. How we as people place our VALUE (this was said with more emphasis) on material possessions not understanding that they all come from the planet and that we should realize this and therefore value our planet even more so. We place a wall around plants and cal

l it our garden. It is and never will be ours, yet we must continue to care for it. My lost rune is just a symbol that reminds me of this. The stone, although used in divination, is a living member of the earth’s family and I am to treat it in the highest respect. The meditation ends and I am left feeling enormously appreciative.
Several things stand out from this experience. The incredible message of how we should all examine what we value, the reminder that we enjoy the natural resources of the planet and need to continue to be good stewards and the less obvious message–While in meditation we should ask more questions.
I am going to take some quiet time to reflect on this particular meditation regarding VALUE and I will write a part 2 to this blog. I am actually a bit overwhelmed by the enormous gifts of insight brought to me from this lost Rune.
If you would like to know more about the wonderful Runes I purchased please visit These particular stones actually feel as if they sing to me as they resonate so clearly with my vibration.
To learn how you can begin to incorporate meditation in your daily journey please read Meditation Mojo.
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