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President Obama was born an indigo child. Indigo children have the world in their hands. It is a state of mind but far more than that it is an ability to instinctively know the rights and wrongs of situations. The indigo child listens to their inner voice and hears the call from beyond. The indigo child is courageous and confident. Courage is not something they have to work on, it is just there deeply entrenched in their soul. The indigo child knows inside that they are special and shoulders the responsibility that comes with the role they have chosen.
We were all indigo children once upon a time, when we came down to the earth for our first ever life, we all had the indigo energies of incredible courage flowing through our veins. Successive lives have dented our spirit and the wind has been blown out of our souls as we search for the meaning to life.
The Earth needs indigo children now and plenty are arriving full of fresh hopes and dreams that can become reality. With the indigo child comes the power of the indigo angels of great achievements and success.
Khamel is one of the many angels around President Obama as he struggles with problems of state and of trying to unravel the complexities of global situations. Khamel is one of the angels of the higher dimension with incredibly powerful wings, These powerful wings and swirling indigo energies help dispel doubts and confusion and the light of Khamel can reach into the souls of so many. This is an angel for the brave and for the person truly following their path through life.
For other stories of the angels or for workshop information visit
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