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"The Worldwide March of Millions is a call for either a rally, march, or gathering, as the organizers choose, in major cities, state and provincial capitals, and national capitals for March 6, 2011, at 12:00 a.m. (that is, 12:00 noon) local time to express solidarity with the Light. It is a call for the people of the world to be on the march, on the move for freedom.
We demand the following for our world and will not rest until these goals are met:
(1) All wars on Earth will end.
(2) All dictatorships, despots and undemocratic regimes will resign.
(3) All crime will be eradicated.
(4) All oppression, exploitation, and enslavement of people will end.
The people of Earth demand free and democratic elections in all nations. We demand an end to corruption and elitism on the planet. We demand an end to the use of force against people.
At 12:30 p.m. on this day, the assembled people of the world will join in one minute of silence as our expression of solidarity and our commitment to have the Earth freed from warfare and dictatorship, crime and oppression.
There is no need to organize for this assembly. There is no need to carry placards unless people wish to. The mere gathering of the citizenry will be its form and message.
Everyone is invited to attend. No one is unwelcome. No one will be harmed or turned away.
Please circulate this invitation as widely as possible. While further communications may be issued, no further arrangements are needed. While individual communities may choose to organize themselves and select leaders, there is no requirement for it. This communication supersedes all previous notices.
For the wider context of this event, please read "The Declaration of Human Freedom," at
In countries that permit freedom of assembly and peaceful expression, it may be an organized march or rally; in countries that don't, it may be an ad hoc gathering or simply an expression of opinion via posters or the Internet, as the situation requires. We are asking people to do whatever they can while preserving their safety and security. In all circumstances, we call for the peaceful, non-violent expression of the people's wishes. Violence in any form is not encouraged or condoned.
It encourages the citizens of each country to gather and express themselves on political issues of freedom and democracy, human-rights issues of persecution, and issues of criminality which stand in the way of the population realizing a global end to despotism, repression, inequality, poverty, and other intolerable conditions of life."
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