Shaman / Paganism
Native Americal/Shamanic drum circle (512) (Essex)
By:Sandra Wiseman
Date: Mon,18 Mar 2024
Submitter:Sandra Wiseman
At Balmoral Community centre, Salisbury Ave, Westcliff Essex SS0 7AU. 7.30 - 9.30PM After smudging we will call in the directions then w......View
Sometimes A Dark Goddess (81609) (Global)
By:Karem Barratt
Date: Thu,30 Oct 2014
Submitter:Rev. Karem Barratt
Sometimes a dark goddess raises in your heart,
And your lavender fields turn poppy red.
And she asks you to take yo......View
Spirit of the Drum (12058) (Global)
By:shane darbey
Date: Mon,15 Sep 2014
Submitter:naka comi nan di hi
The way of the shaman.
With only a single beat of the drum, you can be transported to another place in another time, it is not your imag......View
The Shamanic Way (16590) (Beds, Herts & Bucks)
By:Marilyn Taylor
Date: Mon,31 Mar 2014
A full days intensive beginners workshop as an introduction to a Shamanic Way of living and working in everyday life. This workshop is desi......View
Prayer to Brighid (13453) (Global)
By:Rev.Karem Barratt
Date: Mon,20 Jan 2014
Submitter:Rev.Karem Barratt
Brighid of the Mantel, encompass us,
Lady of the lambs, protect us,
Keeper of the Hearth, kindle us.
Beneath your starry cloak, gathe......View
Healing Ceremony To Let Go (13143) (Global)
By:Rev. Karem Barratt
Date: Mon,20 Jan 2014
Submitter:Rev.Karem Barratt
Be it from a mental or spiritual point of view, the ability to forgive and to let go of resentments and hate is fundamental for a healthy l......View
Prayer to the Triple Mother (13647) (Global)
By:Karem Barratt
Date: Sat,25 May 2013
Submitter:Karem Barratt
Mother of the Earth, lady of the jungles and the mountains; giver of harvests and maker of deserts, be the dust under my ......View
Making your own Crane Bag (41258) (Herefordshire)
By:Elen Sentier
Date: Mon,20 Jun 2011
Submitter:Elen Sentier
On Sunday 8th May 2011 we presented Crane Bags, our first Wye’s Women Workshop at Garden in the City, 65 Whitecross Road, Hereford, HR4 0DQ......View
Summer Solstice: Being in Love (17987) (Global)
By:Franco Santoro
Date: Sun,19 Jun 2011
Submitter:Franco Santoro
As the Sun glides into the Summer Solstice on Tuesday, 21 June 2011 at 17.16 GMT, it reaches its climax in the northern hemisphere, marking......View
Plant Spirit Dreaming (10458) (Global)
By:Donna Waugh
Date: Mon,06 Jun 2011
Submitter:Donna Waugh
Mother Earth has provided us with a wealth of utensils to help us not just survive, but thrive and evolve as well. However, in recent time......View
Nature Connection (10818) (Sussex)
By:Donna Waugh
Date: Sat,09 Apr 2011
Submitter:Donna Waugh
As Bob Dylan would say “the times they are a changing”, but doesn’t every period in history show us that evolution and change are the inevi......View
The nine rites of the munay ki (13655) (Norfolk)
By:wendy ryan
Date: Fri,01 Apr 2011
Munay ki, is a word in quechuan language, that is universally understood in remote areas of peru, the word is always greeted with smiles, a......View
Sacred and healing dance (8483) (International)
Date: Fri,12 Nov 2010
Submitter:ishtar 777
Sacred and healing dance
The Roman second century poet Lucian sees dance as the beginning of creation ‘with dance the creation of the ......View
re-memberment of the female soul (7851) (Global)
By:Charly Flower
Date: Thu,04 Nov 2010
Submitter:Charly Flower
Shamanic dismemberment as a tool for healing is open to debate. It is a very masculine method of healing: it is the 'tear you down in order......View
Women - the Most Powerful Healers (8039) (Global)
By:Charly Flower
Date: Tue,21 Sep 2010
Submitter:Charly Flower
There has been a conscious move within the last six, or so, thousand years, to stamp out women's power on every front - including women as ......View
Shamans Journey to Amazonia (9915) (Global)
By:wendy ryan
Date: Fri,17 Sep 2010
Last December I returned to the Amazon, to Peru taking with me an 80 year old client, for healing deep into the......View
Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval (10014) (Global)
By:Paul Francis
Date: Thu,09 Sep 2010
Submitter:Paul Francis
Maybe you are struggling to get over a relationship breakup, or you know somebody else who is? Or a bereavement? Or the loss of a home or a......View
Power Animals (11994) (Global)
By:shane darbey
Date: Sat,21 Aug 2010
What Are they?
Why are they around us?
What do they do for us?
Just a few questions that I am asked at the shamanistic events that I a......View
The Shamans Drum (18037) (International)
By:shane darbey
Date: Mon,16 Aug 2010
Submitter:Naka comi nandi hi
A name by which too many it will mean very little, but to those who use the Shamans Drums it will mean so much.
The Shamans drum is used......View
Shamanic Healing (17970) (London)
By:Zannie Rose
Date: Wed,31 Dec 2008
Submitter:Zannie Rose
Shamanic Healing is one of the vast numbers of healing modalities available for us to experience today. Like acupuncture its roots are in t......View