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'Love Never Dies' from the album 'Vibrations from Heaven' is a very beautiful and heart felt piece of music, perfect for releasing hidden pain from the Heart Chakra. Many people experience pain in their lives, maybe because of the loss of a loved one, or beloved Animal or Pet, and as human beings we are all very good at burying our thoughts and feelings, especially when they are painful ones. However, as we know this will not assist our situation, or help us to deal with our loss. 'Vibrations from Heaven' was composed by Jane Armes and Produced by Gary Wilkinson to do just tha

t. Jane, a Classically trained Musician, and Gary, a Spiritual Healing Practitioner and Teacher for over 25 years uses all of their beautiful albums for each of his treatments, helping to assist with all areas of the Mind, Body and Spirit, and on many different levels. All of the music from each of their albums can be sampled on their website and anyone wishing to enquire about Gary's Treatments, Tuition, Readings or Healing Show can do so by going to the website, just click on the Contact Page. Please feel free to click on their Facebook page on the website!
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